Welcome to The Stronger Braver Together Membership

Empowering women as they navigate the wilderness of separation, divorce and co-parenting.

Why join The Stronger Braver Together Membership?

Australian specialist Separation & Divorce Coach, Danielle Black, brings women together who are ready to take back their control of separation, divorce and co-parenting, while also connecting with other amazing women in a safe and transformative environment. 

We are stronger, and braver, together!

The Results You'll Get

Our community, and resources, are pretty special, and we’re focused on the ways it will make a huge positive difference in your life.

Here are a few of the things you’ll be able to do as a member of The Membership :

  • Find support and share experiences with women who have faced similar things during their separation, divorce and co-parenting journey - from the early days and weeks of separation, to mediation, creating a parenting plan and co-parenting, and, for some, the adversarial nature of the court system, plus more.
  • Empower yourself by taking back your control of your post-separation life, with the support of Danielle and the other women in The Membership, along with the one-of-a-kind information, tips and resources that are available to members.
  • Gain the courage to move forward strategically, aligned with your desired outcome and inspired by the strength and bravery of the community around you.

Separating from a controlling person can be very challenging, but you don't have to do it alone.